視覚に頼らずにデータサイエンスや機械学習技術を習得するために必要な、情報整理やツール開発のプロジェクト。Google Colaboratory上の視覚的な状態変化を音で通知するライブラリやグラフを音に変換出来るような可視化の代替手段となるようなライブラリを作成しました。詳細はこちら
視覚に頼らずにデータサイエンスや機械学習技術を習得するために必要な、情報整理やツール開発のプロジェクト。Google Colaboratory上の視覚的な状態変化を音で通知するライブラリやグラフを音に変換出来るような可視化の代替手段となるようなライブラリを作成しました。詳細はこちら
子どものおもちゃにセンサータグを装着し、おもちゃの利用度合いを可視化したり、お片付けを促すシステムを構築した。ROHM OPEN HACK CHALLENGE 2019向けの事前ハッカソンイベントに参加し、イベント中にチームメイトに恵まれ、そこそこ完成度の高いデモも出来たため、そのまま、コンテストにも応募した。コンテストでは優秀賞を頂くことが出来、CEATECでの展示も行った。詳細はこちら
ChatBot to answer anything about Ube-city's homepage and its open data automatically. Bot is running on messaging platform LINE in Japan. Details is here.
The mobile pill case connected by 3G to watch out for an usage history of medicines by others such as children of the elderly or doctors. It prevents forgetting to take medicines through communication with a care person. The demonstration of this prototype won the prize.
I built the system to control several appliances such as light, air conditioner and so on by voice. It's very useful for me to take childcare situation like that my hand is dirty. Of course I can remote control them from outside to warm and humidify our room in advance. In addition, I can take a note the count of son's diaper changes or milks by voice quickly. I add useful functions day by day.
This application was made to enter the Tokyo Metro Open Data Contest and won the prize. It enable to find toilets on your train route easily and share the congestion of them.
I prepared the robot for our wedding party instead of ordinary welcome wedding sign. He kept writing the date of party and hart mark at reception. It's inspired by Plotclock.
The system to check our office toilet remotely without the need to go to a restroom. It enables us to focus attention only on our work. We're verifing practical effectiveness of this system at our small office. Motion and CDS sensors are connected Spark Core device. And the measurements are sent to users chrome extension via WiFi. When there is long-stay occupier, you could sound the buzzer attached this system. Detail is here.
The iOS application for me to memorize the words in Karuta. It enables to show also a play on words in addition to set of Karuta words.
I embedded heart rate sensor in FRISK case. Heart rate is indicated by the blinking LED at caps lock key. It's introduced in my presentaion at Tokyo Ruby Kaigi 10.
Maximum Power Point Tracking(MPPT) is a technique that charge controllers use for PV solar systems to employ and maximize power output. This system has an illuminance sensor and a thermometer. The maximum power point is calculated by illuminance, temperature and actual power output. Arduino is used for processing and logging (not shown in the picture).
This is the first robot I have made ever! Robot-Sumo is a kind of battle game using robot which is popular in Japan. The feature of the robot is to have contrast scrapers between front and back.